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 Сообщение Добавлено: 25 авг 2013 00:39 
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Откуда: г. Ростов-на-Дону
Ира, да и мне кажется, что было бы глупо со стороны ФЦИ конфликтовать с таким мощным партнером, как РКФ. Просто подняли мусора много из за всего этого. Так и не успокоится ведь до сих пор.


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 Сообщение Добавлено: 03 сен 2013 01:32 
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Зарегистрирован: 02 ноя 2011 21:44
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Откуда: г. Ростов-на-Дону
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Jim M. Powellоставил(-а) публикацию вFCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale

Открытое письмо в ФЦИ

Open letter to FCI

This is the Anti-gay legislation 6.21 in Russia:

Propaganda is the act of distributing information among minors that:

1) is aimed at the creating nontraditional sexual attitudes,
2) makes nontraditional sexual relations attractive,
3) equates the social value of traditional and nontraditional sexual relations, or
4) creates an interest in nontraditional sexual relations.

The law is not only very humanrights unfriendly but it is appealing to a big part of the people in russia also within our dog community. Going would be a conformation that it is ok to compare people with gay orientation and that they are a “risk for children”. Being a person with gay orientations in russia right now, is being seen upon as a potential criminal.

The president of RKF Russian kennel klub and two of his colleagues, who both are FCI judges are promoting and emracing the anti-gay law in a very clear and direkt and personal way.

The president at RKF Alexandr Inshakov wrote in a letter to the Amercan Kennel Klub:
"the law adopted in Russia in june 2013 reads as a ban on non-traditional sexual relations propaganda to minors. He continues: Incresingly growing number of sexual crimes in Russia, particularly involving children became the reason for passing the bill"
And it goes on further and then a comparison to people with gay orientation and pedophilia.. please read: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php? ... tif_t=like

FCI judge Eugene Yerusalimsky (who also has been the first president of the Russian Kennel Klub) wrote 20. aug:
"where does this law, which does not affect the rights of sexual minorities, and directed against the promotion of homosexuality among children and adolescents, and to protect them from sexual abuse ?"
https://www.facebook.com/evgenij.erusal ... 1507527525

FCI judge Dmitry Mamontov wrote in a group called Dogworld without Politic 21 aug:
"Most of you are parents and you all should agree that you want your children make their own free choice of any kind in their lives. Children have the right to make an unbiased choice under no influence of mass-media propaganda of any type. The amendment you are referring to in your discussions to the effective legislation protects children from promoting and forcing up non-traditional sexual relations through mass media and Internet and nothing more." https://www.facebook.com/groups/2055396 ... 8176229359

This is not an opinion, The Russian Kennel Klub is embracing the anti-gay law and therefore promoting discrimniation, hatred and suspicion of an entire group of people. I can not interpret it any other way than being a person with gay orientations in russia is being seen upon as a potential criminal and therfor it is not safe for gay people there.

We are many people that are waiting for FCI to have their decision whether to move World Dog Show 2016 from Russia or not. Russia also have other huge issues with other humanrights as well. I say a big NO to WDS in Russia and I hope FCI do it too.

Jim M. Powell

https://www.facebook.com/FederationCyno ... 0628627627


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 Сообщение Добавлено: 04 сен 2013 00:22 
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Зарегистрирован: 02 ноя 2011 21:44
Сообщений: 5349
Откуда: г. Ростов-на-Дону
Наталия Леонова

52% из 100 возможных выиграли российские собаки на чемпионате Европе. На ассамблее фци, которая состоялась после окончания выставки, президент фци поздравил Россию с высокими результатами и выразил надежду, что на чемпионат мира в России будет проведен наилучшим образом!!!

Хороший оптимистический прогноз :co_ol:


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